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Sugar-Free Coconut Barfi with Magicleaf Perfect Sweets - Magicleaf

Sugar-Free Coconut Barfi with Magicleaf Perfect Sweets

  1. 200gms Grated Coconut (2 Cups)
  2. 25gms Ghee (2 tablespoons)
  3. 200ml Milk (2 cups)
  4. 100gms Magicleaf Perfect Sweets (1 cup)
  5. 5-5 Chopped Almonds, Cashews, Pistachios



Sugar to Magicleaf Perfect Sweets Conversion: 1 cup sugar substituted with 1 cup of Magicleaf Perfect Sweets

  1. In a pan, add 2 tablespoons Ghee. Let it melt.
  2. Now, add 2 cups of grated coconut and keep stirring for about 1-2 minutes.
  3. Pour a cup of milk in the pan and mix well. Now again, add the remaining cup of milk.
  4. Keep cooking until the milk is evaporated. At this stage, remember to stir the mixture continuously so that it doesn't burn.
  5. Add a cup of Magicleaf Perfect Sweets. Mix it well.
  6. Keep stirring the mixture until it turns thick and sticky.
  7. At this moment, the barfi mixture will turn aromatic.
  8. Take the pan off the stove and set the mixture aside.
  9. Now, take a tray or plate and grease it with ghee.
  10. Transfer the barfi mixture to the greased plate and press down with a spatula.
  11. Sprinkle chopped nuts over.
  12. Keep the plate in a refrigerator for about 2-3 hours. You can also let the mixture settle at room temperature for about 8-10 hours.
  13. Finally, slice the barfi into pieces and store them in an air-tight jar.
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