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Double Apple Mojito with Magicleaf Stevia - Magicleaf

Double Apple Mojito with Magicleaf Stevia

Making time - 5 min.   Servings - 2 glasses


Mint leaves (15 large leaves, plus extra to garnish)

Magicleaf Stevia - 2 gm (nano spoon)

Apple (cut into 10-15 small cubes) 

Lime (divided into wedges)  

Soda water- 150 ml




1. Put mint leaves and 1 lime wedge into a mortar and pestle. Crush the mixture to release mint oils and lime juice.

2. Now, add thinly sliced apple cubes to it for that tangy flavour. Do not strain the mixture.

3. Add Magicleaf Stevia and stir well to mix all ingredients.

4. Fill the glass with soda water, stir and then garnish it with a lime wedge and small apple cubes.

Your all natural and super refreshing Double Apple Mojito is ready to be served!

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