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Why is checking label necessary?

Why is checking label necessary?


Neither is

  1. Polydextrose,
  2. Carboxymethylcellulose
  3. Polyvinylpyrollidone
or chemical preservatives like Sodium Benzoate other hard to pronounce chemicals commonly found in products touting to be Green. Just flip the back of the pack. These are all artificial ingredients that are synthesized in labs or highly processed using harsh chemicals like Acids, Alkalis, Bleaching Agents, and genetically engineered enzymes. 

Say, for example, Polydextrose is another name for Glucose. And Maltrodextrin has a glycemic index of 100That means it has the same impact on blood sugar as Glucose. The long and short of it is that they don’t naturally exist in Nature. There is increasing scientific evidence that they are not good for you. And we don’t believe a product containing these harmful ingredients can ever be green. 

That is why you will never find any of these in any of our products. Our commitment to your health is absolute. We proudly consume all our own products daily (and so does our entire family - young and old alike). So, if you want only 100% Natural Stevia Sweeteners, you can never go wrong with Magicleaf. Find out more about our other products here: CLICK HERE

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