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Stevia Bulking Agents

Stevia and the Role of Erythritol in Stevia Products

Stevia, derived from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant, often described as intensely sweet while Erythritol, a natural and organically occurring compound, is often blended with Stevia in many commercial products, from tabletop sweeteners. Read More...

Safety of Stevia : A Dive into the Sweet and Natural Delight

Stevia, native to South America, has been used for centuries by indigenous communities for its sweetening properties. The glycosides found in the leaves, particularly stevioside and rebaudioside, ...

What are Bulking Agents? Why Does Stevia Need Bulking Agents?

Bulking agents are non‐nutritive substances that are added to foods to increase the bulk, sense of satiety, and also usage.
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