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Stevia for Diabetes

Stevia for Diabetes

Stevia’s health benefits are a plenty but one of the most prominent ones is that it helps in managing blood sugar level. Foods with a Glycemic Index less than 50 are considered safe for people with diabetes. The regular table sugar has a GI of 65, and 100 being the highest. On the other hand, stevia contains nothing that causes any effect on blood sugar level, and thus has a GI of 0. According to 2018 American Diabetes Association Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes, the use of non-nutritive sweeteners like stevia potentially reduces the overall calorie and carbohydrate intake which is helpful in managing diabetes.

According to a study on people with type-2 diabetes, it was found that consuming stevia alongside a meal led to a decrease in the blood sugar level as compared to people who ate other sweeteners. 

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