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Is Stevia Safe For Diabetes? - Magicleaf

Is Stevia Safe For Diabetes?

Stevia is a non-nutritive sweetener, which means it contains little to no calories. It is a natural sweetener that comes from the plant called stevia rebaudiana, which is a South American shrub that has a long history of being used as a sweetener. People in Japan and Paraguay have been using stevia leaves for decades to sweeten herbal tea and even medicines. It is also approved by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), Food and Drug Administration (USA), and also European Food Safety Authority. 

Stevia is used as a healthy sugar substitute in many meals and beverages. The sweet-tasting compounds found in stevia sweeteners occur naturally. This characteristic helps people who prefer naturally sourced foods and beverages. The low calorie count also makes Stevia to be a healthier sugar alternative for diabetics.   

Stevia for diabetes

Diabetes is on the rise across the globe. Worldwide estimates show that 1 in every 11 adults is living with diabetes, and one of the biggest questions that most of them have on their minds is whether stevia is safe or not. Well, let’s clear this up.

Many studies have shown that stevia do not contribute calories or carbohydrates to the diet. Stevia even has no effect on blood glucose or insulin response. This means people with diabetics can enjoy food items with stevia as a sweetener. Another study on the effects of stevia on metabolic outcomes showed minimal to no effects on blood glucose, insulin levels, blood pressure, or body weight.

Foods with a Glycemic Index less than 50 are considered safe for people with diabetes. The regular table sugar has a GI of 65, and 100 being the highest. On the other hand, stevia contains nothing that causes any effect on blood sugar level, and thus has a GI of 0.

To know more about Magicleaf Stevia sweeteners, click here.

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