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All Stevia Sweeteners are not the Same

All Stevia Sweeteners are not the Same

We grow our own Stevia leaf. For the past 7 years, we have been working directly with smallholder farmers in foot plains and foothills of the Himalayas to grow our own unique variety of Stevia. Our processing is Organic. 

We do not use any chemicals to extract the sweet compound from the Stevia leaf. Ensuring that our Stevia extracts are in their natural form with no contamination or chemical impurities. We round off the taste of Stevia using our patented innovation…

Making sure we deliver a high-quality sweetness profile that is clean tasting without the bitter notes or aftertaste. You can always trust us to keep our promise to deliver 100% Natural Stevia Products to you every time you order from Magicleaf.

CLICK HERE to browse through our 100% Natural Himalayan Stevia Sweeteners.

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